The article goes on to explain that,"There is dispute over who actually did the suspending, but the school has admitted it 'failed miserably in its handling of the matter.' Deacon Ray DuBois, the communication director for the Diocese of Green Bay, which operates the school..." So, no one really knows who suspended Miranda. There are so many different issues with what has happened here. The first, and the most obvious, is why is this girl getting in trouble for being able to speak her native language, and for sharing and teaching it to other students? If anything, Miranda is educating her fellow classmates. Secondly, why was Miranda's mother not notified about what had happened in the classroom that day? I know that (not from my personal experience, but because of others at my high school) whenever a student gets into any sort of trouble, they are sent to the Principle's office, and their parent's are called and notified. So, why wasn't either of Miranda's parents notified about what happened? Thirdly, why wasn't her teacher punished in some sort of way? What her teacher did was wrong in so many different ways. Why was she punishing a student for speaking her native language? Why did she say such horrible things to her student?
What this article is showing is that there is still so much racism out there. It shows that Native Americans are still being oppressed. It is showing that the "White Man" is still trying to change them and turn them more like us. I was personally so appalled and offended that a teacher would do such a thing.
I hope that you will one day grow to be a teacher, that teaches without prejudice and can inform different cultures of children about their own history as a POSITIVE is. We need racist folk like this to drop off the face of the Earth. It's nice to see some one that is GENUINE about racial sensitivity.