As the movie begins, we see the Earth, or what is left of it. There is absolutely no signs of human life. All that is left of our 'formal' planet is waste. pollution, and garbage everywhere. It is obvious that this is what our planet has resorted to due to the mass consumerism and over consumption that we have left behind. We have no idea what has happened to the human. The movie later reveals that all human life force is living on a planet it space. These humans, who are extremely lazy, do not do a single thing for themselves. All of them remain seated in these huber crafted chairs that they never get out of. They also so robots and computers so every little thing for them. As I said before, they are all incredibly lazy and all morbidly obese. This whole film is a huge environmental wake up call. All of the metaphors in the story line are simply saying the following: if we humans do not change our ways, we are going to completely destroy our planet until it is complete waste and rubbish. The message is about over consumption the humans do. It is about how we are gluttons, not just with food, but with all other material goods. It is saying that we do not care about our planet, and are so quick to just throw whatever we have on the ground, and not care about recycling or littering.
Now that I think about it, this is one of the most environmental films (and it isn't even classified as that, it is classified as a children's love story) that I have ever seen. I think that the producers of this film made these connections not just for adults, but for the children, too. Obviously, it is known that adults watch children's movies because of their children. So, it is no surprise that these 'true and hidden meanings' are there for the adults. I think that it is intended for the children as well, so that they can see what would happen to our planet if they just stop caring about it. What happened in the movie is what is going to happen to this planet and us if we don't: recycle, pick up our trash, use less energy, become more 'green', stop over consumer everything. This film is an eye opener for everyone. This film is a warning. A warning that if we don't start taking care of our planet, and if we don't stop over consuming, this is what will happen to us, too.
I was just thinking this. I actually found someone who thinks the same. Well said. This is why I'm a misanthrope. I don't like people anymore. No one cares for our planet anymore. There are people, but only a select few, and it sickens me that we as humans would destroy something that is absolutely vital to our survival. Earth is so beautiful, and it really is a shame to be a part of the human race, a race who won't start caring about our world until it's gone.