Thursday, May 3, 2012

What this Course Taught Me

It's crazy to think that this will be my last blog post for this class and that the semester is over.  This semester totally just flew by!  I can honestly say that I have enjoyed coming to this class every day.  I enjoyed all of the conversations that we have had, I enjoyed all of the books and pieces that we had to read, and lastly and most important, I enjoyed learning so many new things, and changing my view on things.

When we started the class, I too had the stereotypical opinion of Native Americans.  The whole feathers, headbands, and of course Pochantos.  Where would we be without her?  But throughout this semester, all of the pieces that were read and all of the discussions that we have had have taught me that I really did not know anything about Native Americans.

I am so glad that I had the opportunity to take this class.  This class has really opened up my eyes and has educated me so much.  Every time that I would see "Navajo style jewelry" in a store I wouldn't think anything of it.  Now, I am actually appalled at the discrimination that is right in front of everyone's faces, but no one sees it.  I really wish that people would stop living by the whole ignorance is bliss reasoning and open their eyes to see what is really out there.

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